I have a really ancient microfiber bag that is falling apart on the strap so wanted a replacement. I carefully measured to purchase one about the same size as the old one. This small bag is rather large, much larger than my old one. It is also not the soft microfiber that my old bag was made of. It feels more like nylon. I was going to return it for that reason but missed the return timeframe. It is well made but just not what I expected for the fabric type as well as a bit large. I also purchased an extra small nylon bag and I like it for size. The extra small nylon bag feels like the same material as the microfiber bag.
Love the color and microfiber.
This size is bigger, I do like it but will better serve me for travel.
Love the size as I have had the larger one for years. The fabric is very durable.
I have used a Vermont Vagabond bag for the last 20 years, which was used when it was give to me. I love this bag, and the zipper finally gave up.
you bag is nearly identical, some of the inner pockets are slightly different.
I am so grateful to have a bag I can wear with no discomfort to neck, shoulder or back. which has good organization and carries all I need on a daily basis.
thank you!
More color choices in the microfiber would have been nice. I really liked the sage green you had in Nylon, but choose the microfiber in the end.
Love this